Why do I see negative readings on my gas monitor?

Ask John, our gas detection expert

All electrochemical or catalytic gas monitor sensors can be prone to both positive and negative drift due to environmental factors such as changes in temperature and humidity.

However these are not the most common causes of negative readings.

Negative sensor readings more commonly occur when [Read more…]

How often should you change gas detector sensors?

Ask John, our gas detection expert

I have frequently been asked: “How often should you change gas detector sensors?” The answer to this question is really quite simple.

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Does the type of sample tubing I use make a difference?

Does the type of sample tubing I use make a difference?
The type of sample tubing you use in conjunction with your gas monitor in remote sample applications and even during calibration can have a very pronounced effect on the gas readings that you obtain.

Not all sample tubing is created equal. Certain types of tubing will react with certain gases and therefore negatively impact the accuracy of the monitor readings in different ways.

For instance, silicone rubber tubing and other [Read more…]

What is zeroing a gas monitor? And do I need to zero it every time I use it?

Ask John, our gas detection expert, about what is zeroing a gas monitor?

Lately I have been asked a number of questions regarding whether or not it is necessary to “zero” a portable gas monitor each time it is turned on for use.

It’s actually a great question, so what is zeroing a gas monitor?

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