Team-based safety at job sites applies the concept of real-time information about what’s happening around you to enable smarter decisions.
If you’ve ever checked a weather or traffic report before leaving your house, then you know that real-time information about what’s happening around you can help you make smarter decisions.
If icy roads cause a five-car pileup on the highway, you know you’ll need to watch for ice and maybe find a new route. You use the information you learned to adjust your plan so you can safely make it to your destination.
Team-based safety applies this same concept to job sites.
When alarm conditions are automatically shared, the entire team can make safer, faster, more informed decisions. Instead of guessing what to do when a monitor goes into alarm, peers get the information they need to act fast.
Whether a gas hazard, man-down, or panic situation causes an instrument to alarm, all peers in the connected group will instantly know who is in danger and why. This leads to better safety outcomes for individual workers, the team, and the organization.
For example, if workers all carry a Ventis Pro5 personal gas monitor with LENS®Wireless, the team will be notified any time a peer’s instrument goes into alarm.
If a man-down alarm is triggered, the rest of the team will know if they can safely approach the worker in need. But if an alarm is triggered by a high concentration of toxic gas, then the team will know they need to take additional precautions first.
For Safety’s Sake
It can sometimes feel like technology constantly pushes us toward more connectivity – even when we might not need or want it. This is different. We don’t need to control every light in our homes from a cell phone, but we do need to enable workers to make decisions that will get them home safe to their families every single night.
The U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports that more than 60% of confined space deaths are would-be rescuers who die trying to save a team member because the person inside can’t communicate about the dangers within.
Connecting gas detection devices through a team-based safety approach will enable workers to make life-saving decisions for themselves and others.
Connectivity already brings better, faster information to almost all other aspects of our lives. Now it’s time we use connectivity for the most important task of all: protecting our workers.
Learn more about working smarter and safer with LENS Wireless.
If you’d like to enquire about team-based safety, here’s what to do…
- Email gas@entec.co.nz, or
- Phone (06) 758-3030 ext 2 to talk to a wireless gas detection expert.
A version of this article first appeared at Industrial Scientific’s blog “The Monitor” here. Republished with permission.